Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12.27.17 - drinks with David and Sarah

David and Sarah and I met at Llewellyn's in old town St. Charles. We sat at a tall table for 6 near the door but since it was only a Wednesday we weren't taking up needed space. I got a rum and Diet that tasted like almost all rum; David said the same about his gin (don't remember what the drink was supposed to be), so next I ordered a very sweet Moscato and that was much better. All three of us split some soft pretzels, and David ended up paying for everything because, so he claimed, Sarah and I had come all the way to Missouri and it was the least he could do. Very kind.

We had a great time. We got there about 7 and stayed until nearly 11 just talking and laughing so much. I can't remember all of it now but I know we made jokes about exes and the Ghost of Christmas Present leading them to us at that table, laughing hard about old stories. I was definitely crying laughing at several points. At one point it was also a bit somber as I vented to them about Clara's speech issues, but they listened well and I appreciated that, and we still ended up laughign more before the night was over. It's so rare we are all in town together but it would be nice to make it a Christmas tradition.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to carve out that time together. I hope you can make it a tradition. :)
