Saturday, November 4, 2017

11.4.17 - Jackson visit

Jacksons actually left last Tuesday (Halloween), but of course I haven't had a chance to write about it yet. The short version: the visit was great.

Outside of the pumpkin patch, we didn't all go do a lot together. And I felt a little anxious or guilty about Don & Merlene spending so much time just hanging around our tiny apartment. But they insisted that there purpose in visiting was to get to spend time with the grandkids, which is exactly what they were doing. They watched both girls on the Friday and Monday while I worked (a bit at Starbucks, a bit at home), and they even took them for a while Sunday afternoon so I could get in some extra work and Jack could go study. It was nice to have that flexiblity.

Clara says "shh" as they read "Good Night Moon."

It was also nice to get to visit with them in the in between times (between work sessions and whatever else was going on). I don't really talk to either of them much at all when we are in different states, but I find them very easy to talk to when we're in person. Don mostly listens, and Merlene and I talk a lot more. For example, I told them about the recent "retreat" weekend Dad had hosted in COS and what it was like.

The one time Don really smiles in pictures: when he's got his grandkids. <3

We also talked about Metropolis and why it wouldn't really work to visit there this Christmas holiday. Merlene was actually the one who brought it up. That revelation was a big relief to me because I was pretty sure Jack and I weren't going to go to Metrpolis, but I would have regretted if we made that decision against Merlene's wishes and hurt her feelings. Instead she is on our side in this, explaining that Clara's celiac diagnosis kind of tipped the scales. It was already going to be logistically difficult with four little ones (Clara, Naomi, Josiah, and Jane), but adding the dietary restrictions to it just made it prohibitive. I completely agree, but I was really glad Merlene saw it that way.

Bonding with Mimi at the playground.

In fact both of them, but especially Merlene, were really great about Clara's celiac. I was glad they had a chance to spend time with us in advance of us staying at their house for three weeks over Christmas, so they could see exactly how we do things and how careful we are about gluten. Merlene became a pro at reading labels to make sure things were safe, and she downloaded the Gluten Free Scanner on her phone. She said that she and Don are actually hoping to replace their floors before we arrive, partly because she doesn't know whether they have gluten in them (and partly because they were going to replace them anyway, I think). They didn't eat any gluten themselves during their stay with us, and Merlene asked me a lot of questions about how we prepared food and what all we had replaced in our kitchen. They plan to buy their own Magic Bullet blender to keep at their house just to use for Clara's smoothies. Just in general they seem to take the situation very seriously and it makes me feel so supported and really helps me look forward even more to Christmas, knowing Clara will be in a safe environment.

Love this pic of Jane especially, haha. Right before they went off to the sunny playground.

Part of the reason Merlene got so good at reading labels was because she and Don bought us TONS of food, including a whole lot of gluten-free foods that are usually a bit expensive for us to buy: pizza crust, muffin mix, Bisquick, oatmeal, breaded chicken, all specially gluten free. Merlene did a lot of cooking including making gluten free chocolate chip cookies (with cookie mix Katie had thoughtfully sent for us), gluten free peanut butter banana muffins, and gluten free pancakes (all of which Clara loved). Don took over the pancake making because apparently in their family Merlene doens't make pancakes ever and Don is the expert. He even made a smiley face pancake. And although gluten free grains usually have a different texture than their typical counterparts, I thought the pancakes and the chocolate chip cookies were still pretty delicious. I'm glad Clara doesn't have to miss out on too much with all these options.

Hungry Jane noms on Mimi's cheek.

It was also great that Don & Merlene got to spend so much time with the girls. They took both girls to the playground while I was working from home, and Jane slept the whole time, but Clara had a blast. I know she loves getting to run around outside.

Every time we have a visit with these guys I reflect on how very lucky I am to have such loving, supportive in-laws. I know so many people with more contentious relationships with their in-laws, but I really think it's a joy spending time with Jack's parents and his siblings.

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