Friday, March 31, 2017

3.31.17 - Date night: Logan

Jack dropped Clara off at the usual time (8am) but this time Clara was spending the night at Beth's, which freed all of our evening.

In the morning and early afternoon Jack and I went to Starbucks and he studied and I worked. It was pretty pleasant. I listened to my "Discover Weekly" Spotify playlist, which had a lot of new songs I enjoyed. I helped Sarah proctor tests for a new Charter applicant and I put a few more odds and ends together for the tenants move in date (April 1). I also enjoyed a chicken quinoa salad courtesy of my Starbucks rewards.

Not long after we got home I took a nap, which felt luxurious. Then we went to the movie theater and used our phones to get our tickets (pre-purchased with reserve seats) and a coupon off our large popcorn and Diet Coke. It's the future!

This theater has all reclining seats and they are very comfortable. I started my 24 hours off calorie counting about 15 minutes before the movie started and ate as much popcorn as I liked. Every time I first walk into a movie theater the popcorn smells so amazing and I associate the scent with happiness because we're at the movies. I love going to the movies. So it was nice to be able to indulge.

We ate most of the popcorn and drank most of the soda before the previews had even started, so Jack went and got our refills before the movie. While he was gone they showed a preview for the absolutely ridiculous looking eighth Fast & Furious movie, so he didn't really miss anything.

The movie itself was pretty good. A lot of gritty realism I enjoyed, like when Logan tries to ram through a chain link fence and it doesn't work. It also just seems more natural for Wolverine to drop F bombs and kill people in a very harsh way, so the fact that the movie was rated R made sense.

Jane was kicking and moving a lot the whole time, almost to the point of distraction. Made me wonder if I should risk trying to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 a few days before her due date. ...I probably will.

After we got home Jack studied some more and I talked to Neil on my drive to and while I was getting groceries to prep spinach sausage loaf for Tichu day the next day. I cooked the sausage and thawed the spinach and put the loaves out to rise all while watching Guardians of the Galaxy on my laptop. It's the first time I've watched it since seeing Parks & Rec, which made me enjoy it even more.

Our dishwasher is broken (probably getting fixed Monday), so while I washed dishes Jack dried them and put them away and we both enjoyed the movie together. That was nice. When I got too tired to keep standing there, I sat on the couch and watched the movie while enjoying some chocolate ice cream with fudge swirls too (since I had already started my 24 hours off calorie counting).

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