Sunday, February 12, 2017

2.12.17 - Clara updates

Last night was the first full night Clara spent in her big girl bed. We just got the twin size sheets and bed rail in the last week or so, and Jack tried to have her sleep in the bed the night before last. She fell asleep fine but woke up at 3:30 am upset and confused, I think, so we put her back in the crib. But last night she fell asleep fine and was still sleeping when I left the apartment at about 8 am. So this transition looks promisingly easy.

She likes to climb in her laundry basket, sit there, and throw all the laundry out. I've found some of her dirty laundry in other places in the apartment, like next to my bed. So I have to keep an eye on that.

She also likes to climb into the makeshift toy box in the living room and throw all the toys out. Sometimes she will then go sit next to the pile of toys and throw them, one at a time, over her shoulders and head. Mom thinks this is some kind of "stimming" - repetitive actions that people find soothing. It probably is. It's pretty harmless most of the time, although sometimes she throws something a little too large or a little too hard, so we are trying to teach her the limitations. Last night she threw her sippy cup and somehow hit herself in the head with it. She didn't notice I saw it happen and she didn't seem to care at all and just kept going. I am pretty sure if she saw me watching she would've cried. Funny what a difference that makes.

She's getting really good at mimicking new words. I think all her colors and numbers served as good starting off points. She can repeat those easily enough--more coherently all the time--and now I start to throw new random words in and she gives them a good try, whereas before she'd mostly just stare at me. It's pretty delightful. She is so clearly proud of herself and happy when I praise her.

She's also quite good at mimicking songs. She mimics most of the music in her youtube playlists and also some of the songs she hears on the radio (specifically "Closer" by The Chainsmokers), and she also can repeat back (in her babbling way) all of "down down baby" while she does the dance that goes with it. That last one especially impresses me since she does it without listening to the song in real time.

She's an incredibly picky eater. Last night I made her rice and quinoa with ground broccoli, butter, and salt and pepper. She wouldn't even try it. I managed to get two grains of rice in her mouth and she carefully pulled them both back out and wiped them on the dining room table. I didn't feed her anything else the entire evening and kept offering her the dinner, and she did not relent. At about 9:30 pm I finally gave her half a banana, because at least it's healthy. Who knows when's the last time she really ate any vegetables. I try most days and most of the time it doesn't work. But I figure once she's old enough to understand more of a cause-and effect I can offer rewards for "no thank you" bites, so we'll see.

She loves the puzzles Mom got her for Christmas, which are made of large wooden cut outs that are easy for her to grasp and are three dimensional enough to stand up on their own. One puzzle is a bunch of types of construction vehicles and the other is wild animals. She likes to take all the pieces and line them up on the coffee table or stuff them all into my combat boots. Sometimes she'll take them back out and try to put the boots on herself, which go above her knees.

Apparently she's the "peacemaker" with the other two kids our nanny watches (Hunter and Gracie). Clara's car seat goes in the middle between those two because they otherwise cry and scream at each other (no idea why), whereas Clara just sits there and stretches her feet as far as she can into either of the other kids' car seats. Such an easy going kid overall.

This last week has been pretty rough as I wait for news about Grandpa every day. I get down most days, but the little things Clara does make me laugh and cheer me up quite a lot.

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