Saturday, May 10, 2014

5.10.14 - Doug visit

I managed to stay productive for most of today while Jack was at work, though the stuff I was working on was usually not grading papers. Did a bunch of household chores, edited a piece for my friend Josh, sent our DJ most of our wedding music, and worked out for the first time in like a month and a half (I know, it's a disgrace!)

But the best part of the day was going to a sushi place downtown with Jack and our good old friend Doug. I got to meet Doug's girlfriend for the first time, even though they've been together over a year! She was sweet! She's very talkative and enthusiastic, and she told the story of how she and Doug got together, and it was a great story. Funny and romantic--she's a good storyteller. It made me proud of Doug, too, because the romance was mostly on his end and he really outdid most guys I've heard of. He basically learned to play a song she likes on accordion--it took him like a month--and surprised her with it outside her window at midnight one night. Pretty impressive.

Anyway so it was really nice getting to see them. We haven't seen Doug since last October, but it's nice whenever we get to.

Right after dinner, before they biked on their merry way.

After we got home, Jack and I looked up some easy youtube videos of new dance moves to try. We didn't actually try them yet but I expect when we have time we could learn a lot more. We also watched old home videos of Jack and Doug and others playing wall ball in Berkeley back in the day. While we were watching them and reminiscing about how long Jack has lived in CA now, Jack took our wedding rings out of the boxes and handing me mine. He wanted us to try them on together and see how they look with each other. We aren't going to really start wearing them until after the ring exchange at our reception (in only a couple weeks), but I thought it was a sweet gesture. He's clearly very happy about it. :)

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